In the past 48 hours, the Uttar Pradesh police have carried out a series of swift encounters, apprehending criminals by targeting their mobility. Earlier, on August 28, a group of criminals carried out a brazen robbery at a jewellery showroom in Sultanpur, stealing Rs 5 crore at gunpoint. In a UP police recent encounter, one of the criminals Mangesh Yadav, was killed.
In Sambhal, the criminal who was encountered was a murder suspect. Last week, in Greater Noida, police also targeted two robbers involved in a heist.
In Today’s DNA, the Times TodayNews anchor analysed the recent encounters in Uttar Pradesh.
Watch Today’s Full DNA Here
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— Times TodayNews (@ZeeNews) September 5, 2024
Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav shared a post on X and said, “It seems that the ruling party had deep connections with the people involved in the Sultanpur robbery, that is why before the fake encounter, the ‘main accused’ was contacted and made to surrender and other people from the party were shot only on the legs for show and were killed on the basis of their ‘caste’.”